Go to Genrelisation
a podcast about books, hosted by Alex Söderlund and Alex Watts. Each episode, we read two books that are a little bit the same, bring some friends together and try to explain what they’re really about.
Note from the editor

a podcast about books, coming January 2017. Hosted by Alex Söderlund and Alex Watts, recorded at Pleb City Studios.

Go to the profile of Alex Sol Watts
Alex Sol Watts
Proto-dad, talks about books on @genrelisation, Head of Social at DDB Sydney, writer at various places. Married to @maryprinced
Go to the profile of Alex Soderlund
Go to the profile of Alex Sol Watts
Alex Sol Watts
Proto-dad, talks about books on @genrelisation, Head of Social at DDB Sydney, writer at various places. Married to @maryprinced
Go to the profile of Alex Soderlund